Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why My 5 Objects are Good Design According to Dieter Rams' 10 Aspects of Good Design

Alarm Clock

Useful: It is a multipurpose object. It shows the time, has 2 alarm settings, and plays the radio. 
Aesthetic: The buttons and knobs are designed in a uniform and easy to use form way as well as a way that is pleasing to look at. The repetition of circles and squares brings the design together.
Understandable: This product's use is clearly defined without any extra or extraneous details or features.
Unobtrusive: This object serves its purpose without simply without being overly decorative.
Honest: This object does not claim to be anything or serve any other purpose than being an alarm clock.
Long Lasting: This product is durable and since none of the buttons are made of soft plastic the buttons are unlikely to wear out or wear off of the body.
Down to the Last Detail: Every detail of this object was well thought out, none if it is sloppy or seems half finished. 
As Little as Possible: There are no extra or unnecessary features or parts to this object. Everything serves an obvious purpose


Innovative: This object holds hot liquid without burning your hand. The thick ceramic material and handle block the heat from getting to your hand.
Useful: This object holds hot liquids without letting the heat reach your hand.
Aesthetic: The curve of the handle and body of the cup in contrast with the angle at the top of the handle on this object are a pleasing contrast.
Understandable: This object is obviously a teacup. There is no confusion about what it is for.
Honest: This object promises nothing except to hold your liquids.
Long-Lasting: Although breakable, this material lasts longer than if you were to use a paper cup for your tea or coffee. 
Environmentally-Friendly: By using this object you eliminate wasting paper cups.

Crazy Straw

Innovative: Because this straw is plastic it can be reused, saving consumers money.
Useful: This product is useful because it can be reused. 
Aesthetic: The light blue color of this object and the balance of the two curls are pleasing to the eye.
Understandable: The use of this product is realized as soon as you look at it.
Long-Lasting: This product lasts much longer than a normal paper straw.
Down to the Last Detail: The balance of the two curls show attention to detail.
Environmentally-Friendly: This product eliminates the need to buy disposable thin paper or plastic straws.


Innovative: This spoon is innovative because it is made of a harder plastic so it can be washed and reused or thrown away. It also makes it easier to eat hard foods like ice cream which usually break thin plastic spoons.
Useful: This object helps you eat food.
Aesthetic:  This object is aesthetic through the even and calculated curve of the handle.
Understandable: This object is obviously a spoon. 
Unobtrusive: There are no decorative aspects to this object. It is simply a plain, cream spoon.
Honest: This spoon does not pretend to do anything but help you eat. There can be no misgivings about what this object does or is for.
Long-Lasting: This object is durable and can be washed and used again.
Down to the Last Detail: This object is well thought out. The curve of the handle fits your hand easily and the depth of the end is proportional. 
Environmentally Friendly: This object can be either washed and used again or thrown away if it becomes damaged.


Innovative: This object blocks your feet from blisters and keeps them warm.
Understandable: This object is obviously a sock.
Honest: This object does not pretend to be anything else but a sock or do anything besides its designed purpose.

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