Thursday, September 12, 2013

Don Norman: 3 ways good design makes you happy - Reaction

     I enjoyed Norman's approach to design and his belief that the purpose of design is to make you happy. His belief that objects do not have to be functional to be "well designed," although ideological, clashes with Dieter Rams' idea that good design mush be functional as well as useful and aesthetic. Although I appreciate Norman's enthusiasm and concede that all the things he presented were well designed, visually interesting, and pleasing I agree more with Rams' idea that design should be purposeful. Even so, if you consider enjoyment the purpose of the objects Norman showed they fit more easily into Rams' ten principles of good design. These two different ideas of design gave me a better grasp on the idea that design can really be whatever you want it to be, which I think will encourage me to believe more in my own ideas and designs.


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