Thursday, September 12, 2013

Color Police

Bad Color Design

This is an example of poor color usage through the use of only strong chroma, excluding the title. The title, although it is weaker chroma still does not stand out from the background because of the extreme use of high chroma. This poster does not have a color scheme, it simply uses every color on the color wheel. If less colors were used and at a lower chroma level and the title did not have a 3D effect this poster could have been more effective, although it would need a complete re-design to be well designed.

Good Color Design 

This magazine cover is an example of good color design through the use of neutrals with some low chroma pop color. The green adds some color to the neutral to keep the design from being boring. The color successfully makes the "home" look inviting, calming, and lived in, but still new and fashionable.

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