Thursday, September 26, 2013

Objectified Reaction

   Objectified is my favorite video we have watch so far in this class. Seeing the way people in a field similar to the one I will eventually be in view the world was enlightening. I came into the program at KU with the idea that everything around us has been designed in one way or another, but seeing the way they are designed and how much work goes into every product that is marketed was interesting. I especially liked learning about how and why the exterior of Apple products are designed because the whole Design department uses them on a daily basis.
   Seeing why things are designed in a certain way was also interesting. Design has to be targeted towards the human consumer, so a lot of psychology also goes into designing products. I found this especially interesting because my third choice in major was psychology. When looking at an object you have to consider it's formal relationship, the cultural symbolism of the object, and the way it is used. Through this video I learned what factors to take into account in the "Make It Better" project.

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