Thursday, September 26, 2013

Deep Dive Brainstorming Reaction

   I found the process used to reach the final project in Deep Dive very helpful when brainstorming ideas on how to redesign our group's object, a jump rope. The initial throwing out of any idea without judgement helps to make all of the members in the group feel comfortable and get every possible idea out, no matter how eccentric. I also enjoyed seeing IDEO members work together without a clear leader. This technique was something I had not seen before and seemed to work better than if a leader was designated.
    The final product that IDEO worked was much more efficient than other shopping carts. Not only did the redesign the cart itself, they redesigned the way the cart could be shopped with by adding removable baskets. They took efficiency, aesthetics, and safety into consideration for their design making a product that was not only more useful, but more pleasing to look at. I especially liked the hooks on the cart showing that the process of unpacking the cart was also taken into account. Watching IDEO's process and employing it helped my group come up with the themes we wanted to apply to the redesign of our object: environmentally friendly, durability and portability, and enjoyment.

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