Monday, September 2, 2013

Color Lecture

Limited Color Palette
This picture shows limited color through the use of only different shades of green.

Harmonious Chroma
This picture shows harmonious chroma through the use of the same levels of chroma in the solid colors.

Harmonious Values
This photo shows harmonious values through the same lightness of shade in the V and light blue.

Harmonious values
This picture shows harmonious values through the same levels of value in the red and blue as well as the secondary colors.

Harmonious Chroma
This picture shows harmonious chroma through the same level of chroma in the purple, red, and green.


Contrasting Hues
This photo shows contrasting hues through the use of yellow with blue, which are far apart on the color wheel.

Harmonious Chroma
This picture shows harmonious chroma through the use of the same level of chroma in the blues and red.

Key the Color
This poster uses a red filter to harmonize the colors and make the white title and 2013 stand out.

Key the Color
This poster uses a yellow filter to harmonize the colors. The yellow light behind the people to highlight them as the focal point.

Use of Neutrals
All of the colors in this picture have a low level of chroma and are basic colors.

Limited Color Palette
This picture has a limited color palette of blue through the use of different shades of blue in every element.

Harmonious Chroma
All of the elements of this picture have the same level of chroma.

Transitions in Value
In this picture the values go from dark to light.

Contrasting Chroma
This picture shows contrasting chroma through one dark, high chroma shoe and one light, low chroma shoe.

Contrasting Chroma
This picture shows contrasting chroma through the light, transparent, low chroma blue and the high chroma dark blue.

Contrasting Hues
This picture shows contrasting hues through the colors green and orange, which are across from each other on the color wheel.

Use of Neutrals
This picture shows the use of neutrals through all the washed out, low chroma, basic colors.

Limited Color Palette
This picture has a limited color palette through the repeated color orange.

Contrasting Values
This picture shows contrasting values through the gray of the shirt in contrast with the red of the heart.

Contrasting Chroma
This picture shows contrasting chroma through the low chroma of the yellow background and the high chroma of the pink words.

Harmonious Values
This picture shows harmonious values through the similar values of the rugs.

Dominance of Hue
This picture shows dominance of hue through the use of neutrals plus the red, which dominates and stands out.

Dominance of Hue
This picture shows dominance of hue through the use of neutrals plus the blue, which dominates and stands out.

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