Monday, April 13, 2015

P1 Final Products

My final three final cereal boxes explore the expressive potential of typography through the themes order, energy, and comfort (back to front.) Each of these boxes conveys a different engaging graphic essence defined below.

This box exemplifies order. The communication of this attribute was accomplished through the clean and graphic quality of the lines, typography, and textured paper boxes. The type is set square and even inside each box and the paper texture is juxtaposed by the perfect edges of the squares. A black box was also added beneath the red boxes to give a sense of depth and organizational stacking to this piece. I chose to photograph this box on a black background so the white box would stand out and to further the message of order through the simplicity of the dominant colors, black and white.

This box exemplifies energy. The communication of this attribute was accomplished through a dynamic grid, overlapped text and elements, dynamic hierarchy, and bright and contrasting colors. I chose a simplistic design approach and color scheme to distract minimally from the form. This product was photographed on a pink background to highlight the fun and energetic aspects of the design.

This box exemplifies comfort. The communication of this attribute was accomplished through a the juxtaposition of hand-lettering and mechanical type, an emphasis on positive phrases and facts, and a light but warm desaturated color scheme. I chose a simplistic approach to the design and color scheme to refrain from overwhelming the viewer and focus on key positive facts. This product was photographed on a gray background to highlight the desaturated tones of the piece.


  1. I think you did a really great job of exploring possibilities outside of the computer. The handmade type on your "comfort" box is especially strong in this way, and the way you created unity between the hand lettering and digital type was great.

    All your solutions were very different, which is great. You did a good job of differentiating between the three boxes and designing based on your chosen attributes.

    You definitely embraced the idea of alternative or non-traditional hierarchy in your used of a curved grid. I think that's an awesome idea!

    I don't know if I necessarily got the same connotations from your designs that you chose. After you explained them, I definitely saw where you were coming from, but it wasn't immediately clear without an explanation.

    I think your empathy for the text was strongest in your proposed design. I like how you created contrast between text sizes, especially in your layout of percentages.

    Your photo quality was good, but I think you could have played around with composition a bit more.

    Also, context. I liked the reasoning behind the pink on pink, but I think the execution of it fell a little flat. It did help to emphasize the energetic nature of the design, but the background almost became a little distracting.

    Overall, though, I really love your designs, and I think you did a great job!

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