Monday, March 9, 2015

Chip Kidd

 Chip Kidd is an American author, editor, and graphic designer, best known for his innovative book covers. I found Chip Kidd's Ted talk inspiring and uplifting. His fun approach to design reminds me what being a designer is supposed to be. His designs are also original and based around the story, making the book cover a piece of the literature seamlessly.
In the video Chip Kidd Explains His Process, Chip Kidd runs through the process of designing a book cover for "You Better Not Cry." After much back and forth with the publisher, his designs are not published and they "solve it in house." His designs for this project were clever and beautiful. This video gave an inside look into publishing and showed that even if you think you have nailed something, not everyone is going to like it, and even though this can happen, you should still love your own work.


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