Monday, March 30, 2015

Poster+ User Testing - App


**Link to App**

Method of Testing: Observe user interacting with the products and ask follow up questions.

User: Ty Miller, age 19, Business Major

Observation Notes:
- A lot of text, seems daunting
Confusion about arrows
- Confusion about loop
- Clicks through
- Mild Frustration - "I don't like it"


1. Do you like it? Why/why not?
No - "It's confusing and honestly unless it was explained, it just comes across as wrongly programmed, or having the wrong links"

2. What don't you like about it?
I like how it is a different page for every topic

3. How hard/easy is it to use?
Very hard 9.4/10

4. What caught your eye/what did you see first?
Red arrows, they look clickable

5. How did it make you feel?
Information: kind of nothing
Graphics: negative/somber
Interaction: confusing and annoying

6. Do you have any suggestions?
The loop takes away from the point, put a higher emphasis on the text

7. What do you think it means?
If I looked at this app I would take away confusion and also the information

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