Thursday, April 10, 2014

initial locations and concept statements


   My initial locations were the construction outside of Marvin, a storm drain in my neighborhood, and the sign above Urban Outfitters on Massachusetts street.
   My concept for the Marvin construction was to show the passage of time through collaged photos of the work in progress. Showing the construction in an organized manner adds rhythm and flow to an
otherwise chaotic scene.
   My concept for the storm drain was to show the passage of time and the exploration of space as you passed through the tunnel. Showing one side as small and one as large gives the viewer an idea of the space from inside the tunnel and the space when looking from the outside in on the tunnel. The exploration of space serves to document the journey of the viewer through the tunnel.
   My concept for the Urban Outfitters sign was to show the exploration of space through the three viewpoints of the left side, right side, and frontal view of the sign and to show the passage of time through photos taken at different points in the day from morning to night. 
   I chose only three locations because I felt really passionate about these particular locations and wanted to explore them in both grid and collaged format. 

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