Thursday, September 19, 2013

Objectified Documentary - Notes

·      We judge objects as soon as we see them
·      Object speaks about who designed/manufactured it
·      First emperor of china – waging war to colonize
o   Each of archers made their own arrows so they couldn’t share arrows
o   Standardized design of arrows so each arrow would fit any bow
·      From the moment we wake up everything we see has been designed one way or another
o   Every object has a story
·      Japanese toothpick
o   Serrated edge that you can break off to show it was used and can be a stand for it
·      “Every object tells a story, if you know how to read it.” –Henry Ford
·      design tries to understand people and what their needs are
o   my thoughts: I like psychology too and almost majored in it so that’s cool
o   look at the extremes so if you understand extremes, the middle will take care of itself
·      Betsy’s pealer and Sam’s idea
o   Making it work for people with arthritis = good for everybody
o   Rubberized bicycle grip
·      Starting out a project
o   Look at how the object is wrong
o   Develop models
§  Physical and digital
·      CAD – computer added design to make digital
o   Rapid prototyping
o   “lets put great design into every day things and make these gadgets work better”
§  without people thinking about it
·      Dieter Rams
o   Design bonsai trees
§  So birds can fly in
o   Designing nature
o   Design is positive when clear and understandable
o   American company that takes design seriously – Apple
§  Products give a very clear sense of the people who designed it and made it
·      Apple/Design as a story
o   First imac
o   Think how do we connect to the product
§  Gets design out of the way
§  Not just arbitrary shapes, feels almost undesigned
o   Macbook air creation
§  Push themselves on – can we do the job of six parts with one
§  1 part provides so much functionality and enables product
§  important in a product to have a hierarchy
§  an indicator has a value if it is indicating something but if it isn’t indicating something, it shouldn’t be there
·      design moving from tangible to intangible
o   creates conflicts within design
o   3 phases of modern design
§  looking at the design in a formal relationship
·      form begets form
§  symbolism and content of what you’re dealing with
·      the rituals that make up using things
·      cultural symbolism
§  looking at design in a contextual sense
·      looking at human and object relationship
o   cone vacuum
§  unobtrusive
o   dyson vacuum
§  color introduced to it to articulate the various components of the vacuum
o   rhumba
§  relationship is to room it is cleaning, not to humans
§  bionic hamster
·      attach hamster to it and hamster moves it
·      Design’s Relationship to form
o   Design is creating an environment that makes people feel good
o   Removing anything that is unnecessary to create unity instead of discord
§  Close to composing music
·      Designing new things
o   Satisfaction motivates us
o   Goal as a designer is to look into the future and see what is going to happen and not what has happened
o   Design should be trying to offer products that you want to keep and that you feel will stand the test of time
·      Design as an enterprise
o   Design has become a way for companies to add value and charge more money for it
o   Things will be marketed in terms of design in the future
o   Elitism and the idea of design
o   Target
§  Influenced pop culture thinking about influence and culture of design
·      Good design distinguishes you and is a mark of progress
·      Knowing it sets you apart as modern
§  Target lets you buy into good design and good taste easily
o   Good design comes from the need of companies to make more stuff and the reasons why people will buy them
o   Why we wont new things
§  Can do something different
§  Focused on now
§  Not focused on forever
§  Making new now look like then so people will buy the new now?
·      Cars
o   Cars are frozen in time so the observer can look at it and put motion in it by the way you scan it
o   Has to be a reflection of motional energy
o   Cars have a face
§  One expression forever
o   Challenges of car design
§  Assessing what cars will mean in the future
·      Will they be an expression of yourself or fade into the background as just a mode of transportation
o   Real audience is ourselves – why is this the right car for me? – making a statement to yourself about yourself
·      Mass Production of Design - Karim Rashid
o   Using industry to produce serialized goods
o   Techno organic world – organic but using new technologies
§  Physical interpretation of the digital age
o   Archetypes
§  Cameras
·      Film designs the shapes of the camera but our cameras don’t use film anymore so why are they still rectangles?
o   70% of the world is uncomfortable
·      Interaction Design – (name by) Bill Moddridge
o   Obsessive sketch
§  When the poets statements are obviously visible the audience may become uncomfortable
§  Audience wants to be drawn into the poet’s world
§  Things are most natural when you don’t think about them
§  Designers need to be plugged in to natural human behavior
·      Sustainability
o   Trying to produce more and more stuff that we need and don’t need
o   Creating for 10% of people who don’t need more stuff when the other 90% are trying to afford to meet basic needs
o   Have to also design a way that products can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way
o   Most of what you design ends up in a landfill somewhere
§  Doesn’t really occur to us as a society but now to be a designer you have to be aware of it
o   If shelf life is less than 11 months than it should be easily disposable
o   What we do is not how we create the individual design, but what happens after it is done and people have used it
o   Thomas Overthun
§  Toothbrush
·      Small object creates a big piece of landfill only months after it is created
·      Trying to use one handle your whole lifetime
o   Just replace heads
·      Design is a way to systematically ______
·      Design uses mind maps
·      Jane Fulton Suri
o   Looking at people for inspiration
o   Trying to make an empathic connection with people in their context
o   People are not satisfied with what they buy, they change them for their own use
·      Designers as the intellectuals of the future
o   Designers designing scenarios based on objects that help people understand the consequences of their actions
o   Robots
§  As devices become more intelligent make the objects dependent on humans
o   Design connects the world
o   Designers are far removed from the object
§  Object designed in another country
§  Makes the object seem too easy and too superficial
o   Most meaningful objects are the objects that matter and tell your story

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