Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Nature and Aesthetics of Design by David Pye Reaction

   After reading this excerpt I have a better understanding of the effects of cost and manipulation of materials have on design. Without the ability to manipulate materials design is limited, but once this ability is added, like when the ability to make flat surfaces was harnessed, many possibilities are opened. I never thought of how difficult 3D design could be without flat surfaces and it was interesting to have that pointed out to me and to try and imagine a world without the ability to make
flat surfaces.
   The description of designs relationship to happiness as not being able to “manufacture” it, but being able to “make [it] practicable” made me realize the importance that design can have and that it can be a segway to happiness. I especially liked the exploration of happiness as being subjective, but human needs being universal. The relation that art is subjective as well solidified the idea that art can lead to
happiness after human needs are met.
   I do not believe, however, that “art [...] is necessary to [...] the health of the soul.” Although that may be true for me and other people who enjoy art, I do not believe that without art all people would be unhappy. I know many people who do not find art interesting and do not draw any particular happiness from it, depending on what you consider art.
   This reading prepared me for thelimitations that the medium of wood entails and encouraged me to strive to make a piece that someone could draw pleasure from.

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