Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Project Reflection

    From this project I learned that words have power in design. Each word has
connotations and denotations that can effect how the reader reacts to the overall design. By exploring and magnifying those concepts visually a stronger reaction can be achieved. If an individual did
not know the meaning of a word and saw it visually represented at one of the installation sites they would most likely understand its meaning through the way the letters were formed and where
the group chose to installation site. If this level of comprehension was achieved by a person who did not know the meaning of the word through our visual representations, I would call it a successful representation of a word.
   I also learned more about typography through the “Parts of A Letter” reflection. This helped me understand the vocabulary of typography as well as the differences between each font, which aided in the selection of a font for the large letters. I also learned more about photo essays through the photo essay reflection. After reading it I felt I had a better grasp on how to create a successful photo book.
     The part of the project I found most difficult was finding a simple but unique way to visually represent the word during the preliminary activities. At first I could only think of obvious ways to represent the word condense. After class critiques and seeing everyonelse's work I realized that the concept did not have to be loud and obvious, as long as it was effective. This helped me to later create more effective representations in the refined compositions.
   I also found the creation of the accordion book to be a challenge. I struggled to decide on a complicated way to represent condense, but after I decided that it was more simple word, deserving of a more simple concept, I found it easier, although the physical creation of it was also a challenge. I think mapping it out more on paper before trying to print it or put it together would have helped with this problem.
   Even though I struggled with these aspects of the project, the creation and installation of the word was my favorite thing I have done in Think & Make. I enjoyed learning how to construct the
letters as well as deciding how to place them in each location.

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