Friday, October 18, 2013

Prototype Interviews

   The interviews about the first prototype, conducted by Naomi and I, showed that the new product appealed to most demographics. Only three out of ten participants said that this product did not appeal to their
demographic. The adjustments to the handles are rope also received a mostly positive reaction. Doug commented that the “handles really feel good, [but the rope] needs to have a little more inertia” and Christina, 27 stated, “the handles [and string] are a good size.” Although most reactions to the handles were positive, Jason, 21 felt that the handles were “too big.” Isaac, 18 felt that the overall feel of the rope was good saying, “its pretty good physically [and] its long enough for me.”
   When asked their opinion of the added features, the speakers and LED lights, all participants reacted positively. The new features received
reactions like, “that’s pretty awesome,” Isaac, 14, “that’s pretty beast,” Isaac, 18.
   The conclusion the group reached after reviewing the new interviews was that we needed to make the handles lighter and less bulky to match the weight of the rope. We then went about finding a different material to put on the ends of the handles to lessen the weight. We also found that we had successfully reached our target audience.

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