Tuesday, May 5, 2015

P2 Final Products

I designed a spatial experience and informational pamphlet for Bebop Jazz and the life of Charlie Parker. Bebop Jazz is energetic, improvisational, and active. My space reflects these words and feelings, the ups and downs of Charlie Parker’s life, and the jumping, improvisational patterns of Bebop Jazz. These pieces accomplish this through varied type on panes of glass and triangle patterns. These aspects also reflect the highs and lows in the music, specifically Charlie Parker’s song Bird of Paradise. I used panes of layered glass on the inside of the structure to create movement and visually illustrate the first minute of
Bird of Paradise typographically. I also used icons and type on the outside of the structure to accomplish this. The panes of glass and layered, unfolding aspect of the pamphlet create movement and reflect the layering of different musicians in the song. 

Visitors are lead through the space by following the graphics on the outside of the structure to the door, they then walk into a secondary almost blank chamber with two large doors, and a description of the space within. The triangles on the left wall illude to the graphics within. Once inside the viewer is confronted with the combined images creating a visual representation of Bird of Paradise. They are then enticed by the graphics on the left wall and the text on the ground describing the space and each pane of glass to move in between the panes, experience the space, and exit out the back door.

My visitors should walk away feeling like they have experienced a physical and mental journey through the ups and downs of music and a man’s life. I would also like them to walk a way with a feeling of discovery, adventure, and energy after traveling through the space.  





Thursday, April 30, 2015

P2 Refinements and Booklet Explorations

The Ornithology booklet is meant to be an informational piece to supplement the visual space with information about the life of Charlie Parker.

Exploration 1: The first exploration is in book format and provides spreads separating the information into sections and a connected timeline of pictures. The plastic piece on the cover reflects the glass panels in the space and the circles contrast with the angular quality
of the space.

Exploration 2: The second exploration is an accordion fold timeline of Charlie Parker's life. The plastic panels reflect the glass panels in the space and give the piece more life and movement, reminding the viewer of the music represented in the space. Each "area" on the timeline features an icon related to the time in Parker's life.

 Exploration 3: The third exploration, and the one I chose to move forward is an alternative fold out/ accordion fold format featuring Charlie Parker's biographical information. The plastic panel over the first page reflects the glass panels in the space and features a cover and reveal aspect, creating more movement and energy throughout the piece as well as a layered effect similar to the glass panels.

Space Refinements 

When refining the space I added triangles to the outside and inside walls create color, energy, and movement and reflect these qualities in the music and changed the font on the glass panels. I added icons to the outside area and text to the floor to lead viewers through the space as well as explain the glass panels and space in general. I also changed the location of the door so users have to move throughout the space to get the full experience and picture.
The black lines on the floor represent where the glass panels will be.







Glass Panels:

















Title and Icon Refinements

I refined the titles and icons to reflect the energetic nature of the rest of the pieces.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

P2 First Explorations

My first model is meant to portray the ups and downs of Charlie Parker's life through the terrain and movement of the floor as well as the ordered, yet ripped type on the wall.

My second model, and the one I chose to move forward with is meant to portray the ups and downs of Charlie Parker's life and music through glass panels with different colors and positions of graphics.

The following are process pictures of making my models and sketches and notes of brainstorming.