Monday, January 26, 2015

TM Research Archive

Cover Designs by Horst Hohl

Typefaces used:

Ruder Grotesk & Univers

Use of ‘Ruder Grotesk’, a wood type designed during an evening class by Emil Ruder and students in the early fifties. It was never commercially produced and was used exclusively at the Basel school workshop.

 Horst Hohl: (1932) Swiss typographer and teacher who studied at the Schule für Gestaltung Basel.

Reflection: I think I selected these images partially because I am currently very interested in  Letterpress and am taking a Letterpress class, but also because of the modular structure and neatness of them combined with the concept of layering, which is usually messy. I like the juxtaposition of the layering effect along with the very structured and rectangular look of the covers.